At, we use cookies on our website ( to enhance your browsing experience. By using the Site, you consent to the use of cookies as explained in our Cookie Policy.

This policy outlines what cookies are, how we use them, how third-party partners may use cookies on the Site, your choices regarding cookies, and additional information about cookies.

Understanding Cookies

Cookies play a crucial role in improving your experience on the Site. They are small pieces of text sent by a website you visit to your internet browser.

These files are stored in your browser and enable the Site or a third-party to recognize you, making your subsequent visits more convenient and the Site more valuable to you.

There are two main types of cookies: “persistent” and “session” cookies. Persistent cookies retain your information and settings for future visits, while session cookies are used to identify a specific visit to a website and are erased when you close your browser at the end of your session.

How We Use Cookies

When you access and use the Site, we may place several cookies in your internet browser for the following purposes:

  • Enabling certain functions of the Site.
  • Providing analytics to understand how you use our website.

We utilize both session and persistent cookies to optimize the performance of the Site.

Types of Cookies Used on

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These essential cookies allow you to navigate and utilize the features of the Site seamlessly.
  • Performance Cookies: We employ performance cookies, such as Google Analytics, to gather anonymous information about your website usage.

These cookies help us understand which pages you visit and how long you spend on them. This data aids in improving the functionality of the Site, identifying user interests, and evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.

Third-Party Cookies

In addition to our own cookies, we may use various third-party cookies to perform the following functions:

  • Reporting usage statistics of the Site.
  • Recognizing when you visit the Site to enhance your user experience.

Please be aware that when you choose to share our content on social networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter, these platforms might use cookies.

As we do not have control over the settings of these third-party cookies, we recommend checking the respective third-party websites for more information on their cookies and how to manage them.

Your Cookie Choices

Most web browsers allow you to manage cookies through their settings preferences. However, limiting the ability of websites to set cookies or deleting cookies may result in a diminished overall user experience.

If you wish to delete cookies or instruct your internet browser to refuse cookies, please consult the help pages of your web browser.

Where to Find More Information about Cookies

To learn more about cookies and their management, you can visit the following third-party websites:

At, we are committed to ensuring transparency and providing you with a seamless browsing experience.

We hope this Cookie Policy clarifies how cookies are used on our website and empowers you to make informed decisions regarding your privacy preferences.

For further inquiries about our use of cookies, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for being a part of the community!