3-Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter Inspired Cookie Dough Recipe.

Hey there, fellow dessert lovers! If you’re anything like me and believe that peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven, you’re in for a treat.

Today, I’m sharing a super-easy 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough recipe that will satisfy your cravings in no time.

This no-bake delight combines the creamy goodness of peanut butter with the irresistible sweetness of chocolate chips.

So, let’s dive right in and whip up this delectable treat together!


Discovering Sweet Simplicity: 3-Ingredient

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie recipe.

Here’s a simple and delicious 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough recipe:


1 cup creamy peanut butter: You can use either regular or natural peanut butter, but make sure it’s creamy for a smoother texture.

1/2 cup powdered sugar: This adds sweetness to the cookie dough. Adjust the amount to your taste if you prefer it sweeter or less sweet.

1/2 cup chocolate chips: You can use semi-sweet, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate chips, depending on your preference.

3-Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie dough recipe ingredients
3-Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie dough recipe ingredients



Mix the peanut butter and powdered sugar: In a mixing bowl, combine the creamy peanut butter and powdered sugar.

Stir them together until they are well incorporated. You can use a spoon or a hand mixer to make this step easier.

Add the chocolate chips: Gently fold in the chocolate chips into the peanut butter and sugar mixture.

Make sure they are evenly distributed throughout the dough.

Chill the dough: Place the dough in the refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes. Chilling the dough will make it easier to handle and shape into cookie dough balls.

Shape into cookie dough balls: Once the dough has chilled, take small portions and roll them into bite-sized cookie dough balls.

You can use your hands or a cookie scoop for this.

Serve and enjoy: Your 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough is now ready to enjoy! You can eat them as is, or if you prefer, you can also press them down slightly with a fork to create a traditional peanut butter cookie shape.

These cookie dough balls are a quick and easy treat for peanut butter and chocolate lovers.

Keep any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for later snacking. Enjoy!

Further Explanations: Exploring the Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired 3-Ingredient Cookie dough recipe.

Let’s dive deeper and elaborate further on all the points mentioned here.


Let’s break down the ingredients and their roles in this 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough recipe:

Creamy Peanut Butter (1 cup):

Creamy peanut butter serves as the base for this cookie dough. It provides a rich and nutty flavor, along with a smooth and creamy texture.

You have the option to use either regular or natural peanut butter, but for this recipe, it’s essential that the peanut butter is creamy, as it helps bind the dough together and gives it that classic peanut butter taste.

Powdered Sugar (1/2 cup):

Powdered sugar, also known as confectioner’s sugar or icing sugar, is used to sweeten the cookie dough.

It dissolves easily and blends seamlessly with the peanut butter, creating a sweet and slightly crumbly texture.

The amount of powdered sugar can be adjusted to your taste preference. If you like your cookie dough sweeter, you can add more, but be cautious not to over-sweeten it.

Chocolate Chips (1/2 cup):

Chocolate chips are the crowning touch in this recipe. You can choose from different types of chocolate chips, including semi-sweet, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate, depending on your chocolate preference.

The chocolate chips add richness, sweetness, and bursts of chocolate flavor to the cookie dough. They also provide a delightful contrast to the nutty peanut butter flavor.

In other words, creamy peanut butter serves as the base and provides a nutty, creamy texture, while powdered sugar sweetens the dough.

Chocolate chips are the indulgent element that brings a chocolatey dimension to the cookie dough.

When combined, these three simple ingredients create a delightful treat that captures the classic flavors of chocolate and peanut butter in a convenient and delicious form.

Follow the Instructions steps here for the preparations involved:

Let’s go through each step of the instructions for making the 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough:

Mix the peanut butter and powdered sugar:

In a mixing bowl: Start by using a clean mixing bowl. This is where you’ll combine your ingredients.

Combine the creamy peanut butter and powdered sugar: Measure out 1 cup of creamy peanut butter and 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. Add them to the mixing bowl.

Stir until well incorporated: Use a spoon or a hand mixer to thoroughly mix the peanut butter and powdered sugar together. The goal is to create a smooth and consistent mixture. The powdered sugar will sweeten the peanut butter while also helping to bind the dough.

Add the chocolate chips:

Gently fold in the chocolate chips: After the peanut butter and powdered sugar are well combined, add 1/2 cup of your chosen chocolate chips to the mixture.

It’s important to fold them in gently to ensure that they are evenly distributed throughout the dough. Folding means to mix them in without stirring vigorously, so you don’t crush the chocolate chips.

Chill the dough:

Place the dough in the refrigerator: Transfer the cookie dough mixture to the refrigerator and let it chill for about 15-30 minutes.

Chilling the dough serves two purposes. First, it helps the dough firm up, making it easier to handle. Second, it allows the flavors to meld together, enhancing the taste of your cookie dough.

Shape into cookie dough balls:

Once the dough has chilled: Take the dough out of the refrigerator. It should be easier to work with now.

Take small portions: Using your hands or a cookie scoop, take small portions of the chilled dough.

Roll into bite-sized cookie dough balls: Roll each portion into bite-sized balls. You can make them as big or small as you like, but keep in mind that smaller ones are great for bite-sized treats.

Serve and enjoy:

Your 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough is now ready to enjoy! You can eat these cookie dough balls as they are, savoring the combination of peanut butter and chocolate flavors.

Optional: If you prefer a more traditional cookie appearance, you can press the balls down slightly with a fork, creating a crisscross pattern on top, resembling classic peanut butter cookies.

Now you have a quick and delightful treat that’s perfect for satisfying your chocolate and peanut butter cravings. Enjoy your homemade cookie dough!

A complete tabular on this topic here.

Here’s a complete tabular representation of the 3-Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough recipe:

Ingredients Instructions
1 cup creamy peanut butter 1. Mix the peanut butter and powdered sugar:
1/2 cup powdered sugar – In a mixing bowl, combine peanut butter
1/2 cup chocolate chips and powdered sugar. Stir until well
incorporated. Use a spoon or a hand mixer
for easier mixing.
2. Add the chocolate chips:
– Gently fold in the chocolate chips into
the peanut butter and sugar mixture. Make
sure they are evenly distributed
throughout the dough.
3. Chill the dough:
– Place the dough in the refrigerator for
about 15-30 minutes. Chilling helps the
dough firm up and enhances the flavors.
4. Shape into cookie dough balls:
– After chilling, remove the dough from the
– Take small portions and roll them into
bite-sized cookie dough balls. Use your
hands or a cookie scoop for this step.
5. Serve and enjoy:
– Your 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter
inspired Cookie Dough is ready to enjoy!
– You can eat them as is or press them down
with a fork for a traditional cookie look.

This table provides a clear and organized overview of both the ingredients and the step-by-step instructions for making this delicious cookie dough. Enjoy your homemade treat!


Final thoughts.

In conclusion, this 3-ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter inspired Cookie Dough recipe is a quick and delightful treat for peanut butter and chocolate enthusiasts.

With just creamy peanut butter, powdered sugar, and chocolate chips, you can create a delicious cookie dough in no time.

The instructions are straightforward, making it an easy and enjoyable recipe to whip up for a sweet and satisfying snack.

Enjoy the classic combination of creamy peanut butter and chocolate in each bite!

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